There was a Christmas story I heard many years ago and I thought it would be good for this year.
It starts with the family living on a farm just a short way away from the town. The mother and children decided to go to Midnight Mass. The father on the other hand thought it a waste of time and energy. So he stoked the fire in the fireplace and picked up a book to read while his family went off to Mass.
All of a sudden he heard something hit the big window. It startled him the first time. But then it happened again, and again, and then a number of more times. So he got up to look to see what was going on. At first he did not see anything, but then another bird hit the window, and fell in the snow stunned. After a moment it got up and try to fly into the window again.
This time, he could see it was hurt. So he put on a coat, went out the door to turn on the light in the barn and open its door so that the birds would go in the barn to avoid the storm. …read more
Source:: Fr. Frank Jindra’s Homily Podcasts