Members of the Sts. Peter & Paul Parish Council have put together a Fun(d) Committee.
We see a need for more events like Trivia Night, Enchilada Sales, and the Husker tailgate to bring our parish community together, have some fun, and maybe make a little money too.
We also see a need to continue to work to join the parishioners of St. Mary’s and the Hispanic community with the existing members of Sts. Peter and Paul not only to get to know each other better but also to work together for the greater good of our entire parish community. We have several people who work on this committee, but we always could use a few more.
If this is something that you would like to do or if you have new ideas for fun activities, please contact Donna Vaida 402-733-4359 or Pat Cheloha 402-896-1738. Watch the bulletin for updates on meeting times and locations.