Our Mass Times:
Our mass times are as follows:
5:00 pm – Sts. Peter & Paul
9:00 am – Sts. Peter & Paul
10:30 am – St. Mary’s
Noon (Spanish) – Sts. Peter & Paul
Monday – Friday:
6:30 am – Sts. Peter & Paul
*8:30 am Wednesday (during the school year)
8:00 am – St. Mary’s
One Church, encountering Jesus, equipping disciples, living mercy.
We are a welcoming Eucharistic community that honors the sanctity of life and meets the spiritual and educational needs of families and individuals by actively living the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. While celebrating our rich Lithuanian, Croatian, Slovenian, Hungarian, Irish/Belgian history, along with the multi-cultural nature of South Omaha. We have a growing Hispanic ministry that is continuing to enrich our multi-cultural heritage. We also welcome and embrace fellow parishioners from these diverse cultures as we come together as a single community, unified by our Faith and our love of God.
Latest News
Ladies Guild BOO-tique // Gremio de Damas BOO-tic
Stop by the West Lobby before or after Mass this weekend to see the variety of Fall & Halloween Crafts, Baskets, Kids Items & [...]
10/13 Knights of Columbus Coat Giveaway /Sorteo de abrigos de Caballeros de Colón
Coat Giveaway Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Guadalupe Council Sunday, October 13th 9 am until all coats are gone Assumption [...]
9/12 @ 12pm Praying the Rosary for America!/¡Rezando el Rosario por América!
Praying the Rosary for America! Please join the Public Square Rosary Crusade. Our nation is in great need of public prayer, repentance, and conversion. [...]
Bulletin & Daily Readings:
Stewardship Report:
ST. MARY'S | |
Weekend Collection (envelopes) | $1,390.00 |
Weekend Collection (loose) | $0.00 |
Weekend Collection Total | $1,390.00 |
Weekly Budget | $2,498.00 |
Weekly Surplus/(Deficit) | $(1,108.00) |
Year to Date Total | $23,213.98 |
Year to Date Surplus/(Deficit) | $(11,664.02) |
Weekend Collection (envelopes) | $2,505.00 |
Weekend Collection (loose) | $1,767.78 |
Electronic Giving | $722.50 |
Weekend Collection Total | $4,995.28 |
Weekly Budget | $6,137.63 |
Weekly Surplus/(Deficit) | $(1,142.35) |
Year to Date Total | $67,134.33 |
Year to Date Surplus/(Deficit) | $(19,024.86) |