One Rose One Life Campaign/ Campaña Una Rosa, Una Vida
Next weekend at all masses our parish will have a special collection for the One Rose One Life campaign sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #3019. The purpose of this campaign is to generate prayer and [...]
1/14 – 3pm-9pm SP&P School Raising Cane’s Fundraiser / Recaudación de fondos de la escuela SP&P Raising Cane
Support Sts. Peter & Paul School by dining at Raising Cane's, at 5011 L St, on Tuesday January 14th from 3pm -9pm. Mention the fundraiser at the register and Cane's will donate 15% of the sale to [...]
Our Lady of Guadalupe office will be closed on December 23rd at noon. Both offices will closed at noon on December 24th. Both offices will be closed on December 25th and 26th. Both offices will close at [...]
12/22 @1:30pm Sts. Peter & Paul Church Decorating/ Decoración de la Iglesia de San Pedro y San Pablo
Sts. Peter and Paul Christmas church decorating will be Sunday December 22 following the noon mass at 1:30pm. Please come help make the church beautiful for Christmas. La decoración de la iglesia para Navidad de San Pedro [...]
12/21 @9am Decorate at St. Mary’s /Decora en St. Mary’s
St. Mary's is looking for volunteers to help at church on 12/21 at 9:00 am to carry boxes, nativity set, change altar cloths and decorate the church for Christmas. To volunteer please contact the parish office at [...]
Christmas Mass Schedule / Navidad Horario de Misas
Tuesday December 24 / Martes 24 de Diciembre 4:00 PM Sts. Peter & Paul (English) 4:00 PM Assumption (English) 7:00 PM Guadalupe (Español) Wednesday December 25 / Miercoles 25 de Diciembre 12:00 AM Guadalupe medianoche (Español) 8:00 [...]
12/15 SPP Youth Group Bake Sale / Venta de pasteles del grupo juvenil SPP
The SPP South Omaha Youth Group will have a bake sale on Sunday December 15th after the 9am and 12pm Masses in the West lobby. Stop by to support our Youth Group and for some yummy snacks! [...]
12/15 Christmas Cookies Needed / Se necesitan galletas de Navidad
Bakers of the Parish Your help is needed to bake for the reception after the Christmas Concert on December 15th. Please bring your Christmas Cookies or Goodies to the SPP gym from 12pm -2pm that day. Your [...]
12/15 @ 2pm Christmas Concert / Concierto de Navidad
Sts. Peter & Paul Annual Ecumenical Christmas Concert Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 2:00 pm Sts. Peter & Paul Church - 5912 S. 36th Street, Omaha, Ne 68107 Songs performed by various choirs from surrounding churches and [...]