In our Gospel today, Jesus asks the Father to give his disciples four things: unity, perseverance, joy and holiness. By praying that the Father keep them in his name, he is asking for their perseverance in the teaching he has given them and in their communion with him. An immediate consequence of this perseverance is unity: “that they may be one, even as we are one”; this unity which he asks for is a reflection of the unity of the Trinity: “as we are one”.
He also prays that none of them should be lost (a part of perseverance), that the Father should guard and protect them, just as he himself protected them while he was with them. This was his prayer despite knowing what Judas was about to do. And, sad to say, there are people like Judas in the church today.
Next, as a result of their union with God and perseverance they will share in the joy of Christ. Now, in this life, the more we know God, the more closely we are joined to him, and the happier will we be. This is the only joy that has any worth. All other happiness is of this world and …read more
Source:: Fr. Frank Jindra’s Homily Podcasts