I want to return to some of what I said last week:
“By grace we are saved. By grace we are judged. There are distinct differences between the application of the two types of grace the Church identifies. Listen again to the last part of the quote from the Catechism again: ‘sanctifying grace is distinguished from actual graces which refer to God’s interventions in the course of the work of sanctification.’ This sanctification is not just about our lives, but is about us bringing the world to sanctification – let me say that again: This sanctification is not about our lives, but is about us bringing the world to sanctification – to holiness. We are called to make our world holy by our cooperation with the grace of God. This grace is the holiness of God himself.”
Again, I said: “We are called to do a mighty work. What is that mighty work? TO MAKE THIS WORLD HOLY FOR CHRIST. That is the goal of our lives: to make this world holy for Christ. He made us holy, not with a perishable thing like silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ as of a spotless unblemished lamb. …read more
Source:: Fr. Frank Jindra’s Homily Podcasts