I know I said I was going to preach on the capital sins, but the gospel story today is one of my favorites. Why? Let me explain.
When the king came in and saw the man not dressed for the wedding feast, what would have happened if the man had said “I am sorry, but these are the only clothes I have.” Imagine the King’s response.
I like to imagine the King turning to his servants, and instructing them to take this man back into the King’s own private chambers, give him a bath, and dress him in some of the King’s own clothes.
When this man comes back into the party, instead of the ragged beggar, he looks like a King himself.
Think about this for a moment. Is not this exactly what Jesus does for us? We bring him our ragged and dirty lives of sin and failure, and he transforms that into something of dignity, grace, and royalty.
He does not just cover over our filth, he erases it. He makes us creatures that are born again by water and the Holy Spirit through Baptism. The waters of Baptism cleanse and remove all the stains of sin. He continues to offer that …read more
Source:: Fr. Frank Jindra’s Homily Podcasts